In the vast world of mobile applications, providing a user-friendly and intuitive interface is paramount. As content becomes more complex and varied, the need for effective navigation tools becomes evident. The UIPageControl, a versatile UI component in iOS, serves this very purpose by visually representing multipage content through a series of dots, guiding users effortlessly through different sections of the app.

This comprehensive tutorial is crafted to walk developers through the process of integrating UIPageControl with UIScrollView, empowering them to create a seamless and interactive user experience. Whether showcasing a gallery of images, onboarding screens, or a collection of documents, this guide aims to equip developers with the knowledge and skills to implement this functionality with finesse.

Get ready to enhance your iOS development skills and elevate the user experience of your applications as we delve into the world of UIPageControl and UIScrollView, unraveling their potential to create a navigational experience that is both intuitive and aesthetically pleasing.

Exploring UIPageControl in iOS Using Xcode 11 and Swift

Introduction to UIPageControl

The UIPageControl element in iOS provides an interactive and visual representation of multipage content through a series of horizontal dots. Each dot corresponds to a different page, with the active page highlighted to provide a clear indication of the user’s current position within the content. This tutorial will guide users through the process of integrating a UIPageControl with a UIScrollView to create a seamless and intuitive user experience while navigating through movie posters.

Setting Up the Project in Xcode

  1. Launch Xcode and opt to create a new project;
  2. Select ‘Single View App’ as the project template;
  3. Enter ‘IOSPageControlTutorial’ as the product name;
  4. Fill in the ‘Organization Name’ and ‘Organization Identifier’ fields as per your standard conventions;
  5. Select ‘Swift’ as the programming language;
  6. Click ‘Next’ to proceed with the project creation.

Preparing the Assets

  1. Acquire a selection of movie poster images for use in the tutorial;
  2. Import these images into Xcode, placing them within the Assets Library.

Configuring the Storyboard

  1. Navigate to the Storyboard and incorporate a UIScrollView, positioning it within the main view;
  2. Proceed to add a UIPageControl, placing it beneath the UIScrollView;
  3. Ensure that the UIPageControl is not nested within the UIScrollView in the document outline;
  4. Select the UIScrollView and access the Attributes inspector. Within the Scrolling section, activate the ‘Paging’ option. This feature ensures that as users scroll, the images will neatly align on the screen.

Connecting Outlets and Adding Properties

  1. Utilize the Assistant Editor to establish a connection between the UIScrollView and the ViewController, creating an outlet;
  2. Similarly, connect the UIPageControl to the ViewController;
  3. Move to the ViewController.swift file and define the following properties;
  4. An array of strings, ‘movies’, containing the filenames of the movie poster images;
  5. A CGRect property, ‘frame’, to manage the size of the images.

Implementing the ViewDidLoad Method

Amend the ViewDidLoad(_:) method to initialize the page control and configure the scroll view:

override func viewDidLoad() {
    pageControl.numberOfPages = movies.count
    scrollView.delegate = self

The ‘numberOfPages’ property of the page control will mirror the number of movie posters.

Setting Up the Screens

Create the ‘setupScreens()’ method to configure the images within the scroll view:

func setupScreens() {
    for index in 0..<movies.count {
        frame.origin.x = scrollView.frame.size.width * CGFloat(index)
        frame.size = scrollView.frame.size
        let imgView = UIImageView(frame: frame)
        imgView.image = UIImage(named: movies[index])
    scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width: (scrollView.frame.size.width * CGFloat(movies.count)), height: scrollView.frame.size.height)
    scrollView.delegate = self

This function will arrange the images side-by-side, creating a seamless scrolling experience.

Updating the Page Control

Ensure that the ViewController conforms to the UIScrollViewDelegate protocol.

Implement the ‘scrollViewDidEndDecelerating’ method to update the page control as users navigate through the content:

func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
    let pageNumber = scrollView.contentOffset.x / scrollView.frame.size.width
    pageControl.currentPage = Int(pageNumber)

This delegate method updates the ‘currentPage’ property of the page control, providing real-time feedback as users scroll.

Testing the Implementation

  • Build and run the project on your chosen simulator or device;
  • Swipe to navigate through the movie posters, observing how the page control updates in tandem with the content.

By following these steps, users will have successfully integrated a UIPageControl with a UIScrollView, enhancing the user experience with a clear and responsive navigation system. Learn how to create interactive forms using SwiftUI.


In conclusion, the journey through integrating UIPageControl and UIScrollView has been a rewarding one, unlocking new possibilities in user navigation and interaction within iOS applications. With this newfound expertise, developers are poised to create intuitive, engaging, and visually appealing user interfaces, contributing to the ever-evolving landscape of mobile application development.

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