Customizing the navigation bar in SwiftUI allows you to create a unique and personalized user experience. In this article, we will explore how to tailor the appearance and functionality of the navigation bar in your SwiftUI app. 

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting with SwiftUI, this guide will help you take control of your app’s navigation bar. Let’s dive in!

Customizing the Navigation Bar in SwiftUI

SwiftUI provides a powerful way to customize the navigation bar, allowing you to control the title, background, and navigation bar items. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a custom navigation bar in SwiftUI. 

Ensure you have Xcode 11 and macOS Catalina installed before we begin. If not, you can download them from the Apple developer portal.

Getting Started

  • Open Xcode and create a new project by selecting “File” > “New” > “Project.” Choose the “Single View App” template under the iOS platform;
  • Name your project “SwiftUICustomizeNavBarTutorial,” check the “Use SwiftUI” checkbox, and select a location to save your project on your Mac.

Creating the Navigation Bar

In your project’s ContentView.swift file, replace the existing code with the following:

import SwiftUI

struct People: Identifiable {
    var id = UUID()
    var name = String()

struct ContentView: View {
    let people: [People] = [
        People(name: "Bill"),
        People(name: "Jacob"),
        People(name: "Olivia")

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List(people) { listedPeople in
                NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(name: {
                    VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            HStack {
                Button(action: {}) {
                    Image(systemName: "minus.square.fill")
            }, trailing:
            HStack {
                Button(action: {}) {
                    Image(systemName: "plus.square.fill")

Adding a Detail View

Create a DetailView struct to display the selected name:

struct DetailView: View {
    var name: String

    var body: some View {
        Text("Current name is: \(name)")
        .navigationBarTitle(Text("Current Name"), displayMode: .inline)

Now you have a list of people, and when a name is selected, the detail view will display the current name.

Want to enhance your app’s functionality? Explore Action Sheet options in this post Action Sheet: A Guide to Creating and Using Action Sheets

Enhancing the Navigation Bar Appearance

To apply further customization to the navigation bar, we can use the appearance protocol. Add the following code inside the ContentView struct’s init() method:

init() {
    UINavigationBar.appearance().backgroundColor = .yellow // Set the background color to yellow
    UINavigationBar.appearance().largeTitleTextAttributes = [
        .foregroundColor: UIColor.darkGray,
        .font: UIFont(name: "Papyrus", size: 40)!
    ] // Apply custom styling to large titles
    UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [
        .font: UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeue-Thin", size: 20)!
    ] // Customize title attributes

Download the Source Code

To explore the complete project and see the custom navigation bar in action, you can download the source code from the iOSCreator repository on Github. This will allow you to delve deeper into the code, experiment with different customization options, and gain a better understanding of how SwiftUI can transform your app’s navigation experience.


While we’ve covered the basics of customizing the navigation bar in SwiftUI, there are countless additional ways to tailor it to your app’s unique style. You can experiment with different background colors, fonts, and navigation bar item configurations to create a personalized and cohesive user interface.

Consider adding animations, incorporating dynamic content, or integrating user-specific features to take your app’s navigation to the next level. SwiftUI’s flexibility empowers you to design navigation bars that align perfectly with your app’s branding and functionality.

Customizing the navigation bar in SwiftUI is a powerful tool that allows you to create a distinctive and engaging user experience. With the knowledge gained from this tutorial and the source code at your disposal, you are well-equipped to craft navigation bars that not only guide users but also make a lasting impression.

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