In the digital age, user experience and interactivity are at the forefront of effective application design. Whether you’re capturing user preferences, feedback, or settings, the seamless integration of input controls becomes paramount. Enter SwiftUI – Apple’s innovative toolkit designed to empower developers to create intuitive UIs with less code and more design flexibility. Among its myriad of features, SwiftUI’s form creation stands out, offering a harmonized way of collecting user inputs. This guide will navigate through the intricacies of crafting dynamic forms using SwiftUI, ensuring a grounded understanding and laying a foundation for impressive UI designs. Buckle up as we embark on this insightful journey into the world of SwiftUI forms!

Creating Interactive Forms using SwiftUI

Forms play a pivotal role in applications by serving as a collection point for user inputs. Through the inclusion of diverse input controls, they enable users to interact with an application’s features. When used in SwiftUI, a form acts as a structured container view. This container can have multiple sections, allowing for an organized display of various controls.

What’s fascinating about SwiftUI’s approach is that when controls are inserted into a form, they are automatically adapted to fit within its framework. This ensures that controls are rendered appropriately and maintain a cohesive appearance.

Pre-requisites for Using SwiftUI

For those eager to harness the power of SwiftUI, there are specific software requirements:

  • Xcode 11: This is the integrated development environment (IDE) provided by Apple, tailored for developing macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS applications;
  • macOS Catalina: This is an essential operating system version that supports SwiftUI.

Both of these can be acquired from the Apple Developer Portal, which serves as the official source for Apple’s software tools and documentation.

Setting Up a SwiftUI Form Project

Initiating the Project:

  1. Launch Xcode. In the startup window, there’s an option to ‘Create a new Xcode project’. Select that;
  2. Alternatively, one can navigate to File > New > Project;
  3. Within the template selector, ensure the platform is set to iOS. From there, select the ‘Single View App’ template and proceed by clicking ‘Next’.

Project Configuration:

  1. Designate the project’s name as “SwiftUIFormsTutorial”;
  2. Check the ‘Use SwiftUI’ option before proceeding further;
  3. After setting the desired attributes, select a directory on the Mac to save the project.

Visualizing the Canvas:

  1. Within Xcode, there is a canvas area that provides a real-time preview of the SwiftUI design;
  2. To view it, simply click ‘Resume’. If the canvas isn’t appearing, selecting ‘Editor > Editor and Canvas’ should make it visible.

Constructing the Form

Navigate to the Project navigator and select ‘ContentView.swift’. The following code is an illustration of how to structure and implement a form:

struct ContentView: View {
    // State property capturing the toggle's status
    @State private var enableAirplaneMode = false
    // Array of notification modes
    var notificationMode = ["Lock Screen", "Notification Centre", "Banners"]
    @State private var selectedMode = 0 // Default mode
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            Form {
                // Section dedicated to general settings
                Section(header: Text("General Settings")){
                    Toggle(isOn: $enableAirplaneMode) {
                        Text("Airplane Mode")
                    Picker(selection: $selectedMode, label: Text("Notifications")) {
                        ForEach(0..<notificationMode.count) {
                // Section about device information
                Section(header: Text("About")) {
                    HStack {
                        Text("iPhone 11")
                    HStack {
                        Text("Software Version")
            } .navigationBarTitle("Settings")

Understanding the Code:

  • A @State property is used to represent the status of the toggle control. It provides a dynamic view property which will refresh the view when the underlying data changes;
  • Notification modes are declared as an array. A default mode is specified using another @State property;
  • A form is initialized, acting as the primary container;
  • Within the form, the first section comprises general settings. This includes a toggle for Airplane Mode and a picker for notification preferences;
  • A subsequent section offers device-related information, presented using horizontally stacked text views.

Previewing the Form:

After crafting the form, it’s beneficial to preview it. The Preview window in Xcode facilitates this. Initiating the Live view provides an interactive preview. In this visualization, elements like the toggle and picker within the form can be manipulated, offering a glimpse into the final user experience.


In conclusion, the mastery of SwiftUI forms opens up a world of possibilities for developers, providing the tools and knowledge needed to create interactive and user-centric applications. The journey may have reached its end, but the skills and insights gained pave the way for future innovations and exceptional user experiences in the realm of application development. The canvas is now yours to paint; take the knowledge, embrace the creativity, and continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible with SwiftUI forms.

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