In the realm of SwiftUI, Stack Views offer a powerful means of crafting layouts. This narrative delves into the artistry of stacking, presenting both vertical and horizontal stacks. Our journey is tailored for iOS 15 and Xcode 13, conveniently procurable from the Apple developer portal.

Begin by launching Xcode. Two paths lie before you: either create a new Xcode project via the startup window or navigate to File > New > Project. As you traverse this template selection labyrinth, opt for iOS as your platform, select the App template under the Application section, and then embark on the “Next” button.

Naming Your Creation

Inscribe “SwiftUIStackViewTutorial” as the Product Name, tick the “Use SwiftUI” box, and press “Next.” Here, you shall designate a sacred location on your Mac to preserve this project.

Unveiling the Canvas

In this artistic endeavor, you shall wield the canvas. Click “Resume” to unfurl the preview. If the canvas eludes your gaze, seek its presence in the Editor menu, under the name “Canvas.”

Set your course for the Project navigator and select the hallowed ContentView.swift. Behold, the body property must yield but one view, for it abhors the presence of two text views.

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {

The Power of Stack Views

In the world of stack views, unity reigns supreme. Multiple views harmonize within these confines. Command-click the text view to reveal the structured editing popover, and then, with conviction, select “Embed in VStack.”

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
        .border(, width: 5)

This transformation envelops the text views within a VStack. Moreover, a sweeping transformation occurs, bestowing upon all items within the Vstack the grandeur of `.largeTitle` through the font modifier. A spacer, humble yet vital, propels these text views to the zenith. Notice the default padding and the mighty border line, guarding the sacred VStack.

Behold, the Preview

In this journey, we come upon the moment of revelation. The preview unfurls, unveiling the two text views, aligned in vertical splendor.

Customizing the Space

In the crucible of creation, customization is your ally. By introducing `spacing: 50`, the vertical distance between these elements expands, breathing life into your design.

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 50){
        .border(, width: 5)

Alignment in the Stack

By default, unity is found in the center. However, if you yearn to align these text views along the leading edge of the Stack, let the code evolve thus:

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 50) {
        .border(, width: 5)


As our journey through the realm of SwiftUI Stack Views draws to a close, we’ve uncovered the artistry of layout composition. These versatile tools, be they vertical or horizontal, provide the foundation for crafting dynamic interfaces.

In this tutorial, tailored for iOS 15 and Xcode 13, you’ve learned to navigate the creation of a new Xcode project and have delved into the intricacies of ContentView.swift. With the power of stack views, you’ve seen how to unite multiple views harmoniously and customize their appearance and spacing. Remember, SwiftUI is a canvas upon which you can paint your digital masterpieces, and Stack Views are but one brush in your toolkit. With this newfound knowledge, you’re well-equipped to continue your creative journey in the world of iOS app development. 

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